Designing for Change (our summative)

Grade 3 are just finishing up our Unit on Sharing the Planet.
Our central Idea for this unit was that Humanity's future is dependent on resources.

Our guiding question through our first Line of Inquiry was "What's the problem?". We sought to understand the challenges faced by so many due to limited natural resources.
To follow our learning journey through our first LoI, please check out the previous blog posts on Zero HungerClean Water & SanitationClean & Affordable Energy.

Our guiding question through our second Line of Inquiry was "What can we do?".
Learners undertook a project called Designing for Change.
We brainstormed ideas where we could Invent, Innovate or Campaign to create a positive change. After some discussion, learners grouped themselves around an idea that was Quick, Bold, Long Lasting and able to be Resourced.

Learners followed a design cycle to develop their projects:

After reading Kids Who Are Changing The World (from the You Should Meet series), Tina led a group which included Natalia and Jenna in a charity campaign. They created posters and are collecting clothing which they intend to donate to a community organization which supports less fortunate peoples. 

JunYoung was inspired by The Curious Garden and started up a gardening club. Membership increased and the club grew from a few small pots on the balcony to take over a whole area just off our playground!

The gardening club focussed on growing vegetables and included the above greenhouse experiment.
JunYoung even learned about the school's rain water collection system from Mitsumi-San, our caretaker.

Suguri and Leon were intrigued by future foods. They decided to study how 3D food printing technology can help us to reach our goal of zero hunger. 
Below is a cardboard model of a 3D printer that puts algae and bugs onto the menu by turning them into more appetizing options.

Inspired by his sister's presentation for her exhibition - Leon set out to learn Powtoon and created a presentation to share their learning.

Fabiano and Airen wanted to take action at home - on the compound where they both live. They developed a recycling box prototype to trial on their compound.

Fabiano and Airen were really good at asking other learners and teachers for feedback on how to improve their prototype!

Here are some of the final noticings as learners reflected on their thinking through the unit:

"I used to think that the Earth could survive like this... but it can't." - Tina

"I knew about half of it but when it came to the details, I was not expecting my perspectives to become so different!" - Jenna

"I used to think people are hungry. Now I think people go into the trash for food or they will die."  
- Suguri

"I used to think people in Africa get clean water but it is very difficult to find it. Now I think they get dirty water." - Natalia

"I used to wonder how can we do this? How can we do this without our friends? Now I think sometimes my friends help. It is awesome, I'm glad I chose this project." - JunYoung


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